“The What and How of Mini-Nucs”
Steve Tilmann
Steve started keeping bees over a quarter century ago (yikes!). When he first started, he read the Hive and the Honey Bee (a 500+ page tome) from cover to cover. At one time, he produced nearly a ton of honey in one year; but has since cut back to around 6 hives.
From 2010 thru 2016 Steve served as Treasurer for the Michigan Beekeepers’ Association (MBA). During his tenure on the MBA Board, he also helped to organize the spring and fall conferences as well as the MBA’s web site. During that time he also served as Treasurer (for one year) for the Heartland Apicultural Society.
Steve is the producer, chief cook and bottle washer for his YouTube channel “In the Beekeeper’s Workshop”, a video series devoted to making your own equipment with over 1.5 million views.
He resides in Eaton County with his wife, Adrian, the beagles and around a couple hundred thousand bees.