Upcoming Events
Sign-up for our newsletter at the bottom of this page for details about upcoming events.
It serves as your free HABA membership.
Educational Club Meetings
Upcoming club meeting dates:
Scroll down to the bottom of this page for details about upcoming events in chronological order.
Howard Miller Community Center, 14 S Church St Zeeland, MI 49464
6:30-6:45 pm - Open Forum Q&A. Come with photos or videos & questions!
6:45-7:00 pm - Opening Remarks - HABA President
7:00-8:30 pm - Presentation and Q&A
8:30-8:45 pm - Closing Remarks / Stick around for conversation.
Annual meeting schedule:
January - Gathering & annual election of board members.
February - Attend or volunteer at our Bee School, no regular meeting. Volunteers get free admission!
March - Attend Michigan Beekeepers Association & MSU Extension Spring Conference, no regular meeting.
April through November - Regular meetings, usually the 2nd Thursday, scroll to bottom of page for a chronological list.
December - No meeting.
Consider HABA’s MENTOR PROGRAM for the future.
This program is an outgrowth of our educational mission: we endeavor to educate and help every beekeeper – and every “wanna-bee beekeeper”, too. Our aim is to educate, assist, and help every person who attends our meetings to become successful at raising honeybees. If you have 0 – 2 years of experience at raising bees, you qualify. We have senior, experienced beekeepers who have been through all the difficult periods in a beekeeper's life and can help you. More information on our website: https://www.hollandbees.org/first-year-beekeepers
Ready to be a Mentor? Are you an experienced beekeeper ready to give back to the beekeeping community? HABA mentors are individuals with multiple years of experience in beekeeping. If you are a member of HABA and reside in Ottawa County you qualify to be one of our esteemed Mentor’s.
To apply for either position, contact Rich Dykstra, the HABA Mentor Coordinator using the bottom below to sign up.
Field Days & Other Events
These in-person events are designed for hands-on experience and close-up observation. All levels of beekeeping experience are welcome! These events are usually free but registration may be required which will open about 3-4 weeks in advance.
Because Field Days are hands-on experiences, PLEASE BRING PROTECTIVE GEAR TO WEAR AT ALL EVENTS.
Sign-up for our newsletter below for details as they are announced or check this page for dates in the grey area below.
Next Field Day:
May 1 (this is a new date) - Bee Package Demos scroll to the bottom of the page for more details.
Trees for Pollinators
Michigan Beekeepers Association announces the “Trees for Pollinators” program for spring 2025. We invite local bee clubs, garden clubs, pollinator groups, arborist organizations, schools and local communities to help distribute tree seedlings.
HABA will benefit from all orders picked up at our club distribution! So order online and pick-up from us later!
Sales are open now thru March 28, 2025.
Trees must be paid for by credit card. The price per tree is $20.
This year we will be offering 2 foot to 3 foot bare root trees:
Silky Dogwood
Black Gum, Tupelo
Little Leaf Linden
Tulip Poplar
Tree Lilac
All orders will be taken through the MBA website and distributed through a local bee club in your area. The expected delivery date is early April.
HABA in the News!
The August 20, 2023 article linked here was published online by The Holland Sentinel which featured HABA and our honey extraction field day and other field days that summer. - MiSustainable Holland: Holland Area Beekeepers to offer honey extraction demonstration.
Scroll down for details about upcoming speakers & events.

April 10: Tree pick-up IF you were notified by MBA!
This tree pick-up is only for those notified by HABA that your order is scheduled to be delivered to Holland.
Did you order trees through MBA?? Were you notified by email from HABA with instructions?
If so, orders will be ready for pick-up before the April 10 meeting. Otherwise, you will be notified by the club you are assigned to with instructions.
4:30-6:00 pm - Tree pick-up for those notified by HABA with instructions

Meeting: April 10 & Tree pick-up
Improving Your Health with Pollen & Propolis: Collection and Processing
Rich Wieske, Michigan Beekeeping Association (MBA) President
Rich is an expert in the medicinal uses of pollen and propolis. He will share ways to collect and process these honey bee resources and how to use them to improve your health.
Rich was a lifelong camera operator and media production company owner. He considered himself a quiet introvert who hated meetings. That all changed when he discovered mead and apis mellifera. Now, Rich declares, “the bees made me do it!” A self-proclaimed “tree hugger," he enjoys hunting for mushrooms and has even traveled around the world on a ship. In his spare time, Rich enjoys making candles and chocolate truffles. Rich serves as the current president of the Michigan Beekeepers Association (MBA), the Educational Director of the Southeastern Michigan Beekeepers Association (SEMBA), and the Vice President of the Eastern Apicultural Society (EAS). He loves going to conferences and talking with beekeepers: "some of the greatest people in the world!” And yes, Rich has visited all 36 bee clubs in the state of Michigan!

Field Day: Bee Package Installation Demos
Field Day - Bee Package Installation Demos - NEW DATE!!
Free - No Registration, show up!
Demo Times: 9 AM - 11 AM - 1 PM - 3 PM - 5 PM
Location: Don Lam Bees, 882 West 26th Street, Holland, MI 49423
Choose a time to experience firsthand how it’s done. Protective gear should be worn! You will be able to get up close and personal to observe or participate in the process. In-person observation is the best way to learn. HABA board members will be there to greet you and conduct demos.

Meeting: May 8
"Swarm Behavior (and Stories): Towards Understanding Those Little Buzzers."
Dr. Anthony Meyer, Grand Valley State University
This presentation offers an overview of swarm biology and behavior, environmental and seasonal cues, and engages a few perplexing questions about the fascinating dynamics of colony increase and division, from swarm cell building to establishing a new nest. The talk concludes with some personal blunders, close calls, as well as tips and tricks from a climbing arborist on catching swarms.

Field Day: 1st of 2 Queen Rearing
Queen Rearing and Splits (Colony Increase) Workshop - 1st of 2 parts
Shaana Way, Instructor
— LINK to Registration to come —
Part 1 Date: June 7, 12-3pm
- 12-1:30 -Classroom (cover 3-4 methods of generating queens for increase)
- 1:30-3PM - hands on in the hives (target 3 strong hives)
Part 2 Date: June 14, 12-3pm
- 12-12:30- Recap June 7
- 12:30- ?? Inspect hives for queen cells and make splits.
- Demo on marking queens
- Q&A / possible option to purchase the new colonies and/or mated queens
Limited to 20 participants for this 2-part Field Event. Attendance on both dates is expected.
Cost: $40 per participant plus Eventbrite fees, includes BOTH dates.

Meeting: June 12
“Peak Season Prep (Honey and Colonies)”
Shaana Way, Grassroots Honey Co., Honey Joy Farm, Galesburg, MI
Shaana has been a beekeeper for a decade - and it was love at first sting. With a passion for farming, gardening, and ecology, beekeeping brought together many aspects of Shaana’s interests into one sweet package.
In addition to producing honey, she breeds queen bees, makes candles, and provides pollination services to fruit growers. Shaana has done two volunteer beekeeping education assignments abroad: in the Dominican Republic in 2018 and Jamaica in 2022.
Shaana has a farm in Galesburg where she cultivates native plants and trees that encourage a diverse and healthy diet for pollinators.

Field Day: 2nd of 2 Queen Rearing
Queen Rearing and Splits (Colony Increase) Workshop - 2nd of 2 parts
Shaana Way, Instructor
— LINK to Registration not yet available —
June 14 part 2 - See June 7 Part 1 for details and sign-up.
This is a 2-part series on June 7 & 14. Attendance at both is expected.
- 12-12:30- Recap June 7
- 12:30- ?? Inspect hives for queen cells and make splits
- Demo on marking queens
- Q&A / possible option to purchase the new colonies and/or mated queens

Meeting: July 10
Pest Management
Don Lam, Don Lam Bees
What to look for, what not to worry about, when to take action, and how to deal with each situation.
Don and Jean Lam have been keeping bees for 25+ years. They provide pollination services, produce honey, and frequently host field trips to their apiaries. Don teaches local and state beekeeping classes and gives presentations to community groups. Don is a founding member of HABA. donlambees.com - Holland, MI

Field Day: Varroa Mite Detection
Varroa Mite Control for Healthy Bees
- DETAILS & REGISTRATION are not yet posted -
The Field Day will start with a presentation created by MSU Extension office followed by hands-on options to test for mites and simulate treatment options.
If you have already attended a HABA conducted varroa mite check field day, please do not register. Space is limited and we need to reach as many new beekeepers and future beekeepers as possible.
Registration Required - $10 fee payable on day of event. Includes Varroa mite testing kit.
Location: Don Lam Bees, address and map at left.

Meeting: Sept 11
Winterizing Your Colonies
Chuck Bauer
Chuck prides himself on successfully overwintering his colonies year after year.
His presentation covers everything you need to keep your bees alive and healthy for next year’s bee season.
Chuck is in his 17th year of beekeeping. He intended to have two ‘hobby’ beehives, he now has 25. He professes “It’s still a hobby, something to keep me out of trouble.”
Chuck is a past board member of the Holland Area Beekeepers Association (HABA) and our 2017 ‘Beekeeper of the Year.’ He is past president of the Grand Rapids Area Bee Club and a member of five (yes, 5!) different bee clubs. He does bee presentations at all five clubs plus many others. He is a past board member of the Michigan Beekeepers Association (MBA) and their 2020 ‘Beekeeper of the Year.’ Chuck was awarded ‘Beekeeper of the Year 2020’ by the Michiana Beekeepers Association located in Indiana.

Meeting: NO March mtg.
We do not meet in March to encourage you to attend the Spring Michigan Beekeepers Association Conference. See MBA’s website for details and registration.

MBA Spring Conference
Information - Registration will be posted here once open.
No regular meeting this month to encourage you to attend the Spring Michigan Beekeepers Association in East Lansing.

Bee School 2025
Bee School 2025
Howard Miller Community Center, Zeeland, Michigan
7:30 am - 4:30 pm
Sessions for beginning and intermediate beekeepers. Reserve your spot today!
Details and Registration HERE
As a special bonus, with paid registration to Holland Bee School, you will also receive a coupon code for FREE registration to the 2/22/25 Winter Virtual Conference hosted by the Sustainable Beekeeping Guild of Michigan (SBGMI), a $55 value.

Social Event & Annual Mtg
Social Event and Annual Meeting - TUESDAY, January 14!
Brew Merchant Hall, 422 Washington Ave., Holland, MI 49423
We have reached capacity! Interested in a wait list?
Send a message to us via this website’s ‘Contact’ page linked along the top of the page. We may have cancellations.
Before COVID-19, we traditionally held a banquet in January for awards and a short annual meeting. This year, we are bringing it back with a twist! We will gather at the Brew Merchant Hall in Washington Square on Holland’s south side.
There will be time for socializing, pizza from Doebs Pizzeria, a cash bar, raffle drawings, sharing beekeeping stories, mentoring certificates, and a brief annual meeting and officer elections.
Bring your cash for our usual raffle / $1 per ticket or $5 for 6 tickets.
Spouses are welcome! HABA will buy the pizza; donations at the event are appreciated to offset the cost.

Meeting: November 14
The Beekeeper Plan; Lessons from the Commercial Beekeeping Industry
Presenter: Anne Marie Fauvel, HABA past president
Once November rolls around, you have harvested honey, checked your Varroa loads, treated, and checked again, made a plan for winterizing, and have little left to do to button up the hive for the winter. November is when the next beekeeping season truly starts. We will look ahead at what you can do in November to get ahead for the next season and plan your best year yet!
Anne Marie started beekeeping right here in West Michigan back in 2010. She liked it so much, that she quit her job at GVSU and went to work for the Bee Informed Partnership where she learned about the commercial beekeeping industry, monitoring bee health, and performing real-world applied trials throughout the U.S. Today, Anne Marie is the program director for the American Honey Producers Association and continue to conduct scientific studies through her own Honey Bee Vitality, LLC and collaborations with other academic institutions in the U.S.
Anne Marie has served on HABA’s board of directors as well as our past president.
-No December meeting-

Meeting: October 10
Secret Life of Native Michigan Bees
Presenter: Brian Walters
He will explain native bee diversity and where they live. The impact of native bees on your landscape and how you can support native bees alongside your honeybees.
Brain has been a beekeeper for 5 years. He is a caretaker of Mason, Leafcutter, Bumblebee, Carpenter, and Polyester Bees. Brian is currently managing 6 hives. President of the Kalamazoo Bee Club and is a Kalamazoo Valley Community College Beekeeping Extension Program Co-Instructor.

Meeting: September 12
Fall Prep: Getting ready for Winterizing & Winter Bees
Presenter: Chuck Bauer
Chuck Bauer is an engaging presenter who loves to share his beekeeping experience! Chuck prides himself on successfully overwintering his colonies year after year. Using props, he’ll demonstrate his successes and failures so you can stay on track for success this fall and throughout the winter. He will explain the numerous tips and tricks he has developed. His presentation covers everything you need to keep your bees alive and healthy for next year’s bee season.
Chuck is in his 16th year of beekeeping. He intended to have two ‘hobby’ beehives, he now has 25. He professes “It’s still a hobby, something to keep me out of trouble.”
Chuck is a past board member of the Holland Area Beekeepers Association (HABA) and our 2017 ‘Beekeeper of the Year.’ He is past president of the Grand Rapids Area Bee Club and a member of five (yes, 5!) different bee clubs. He does bee presentations at all five clubs plus many others. He is a past board member of the Michigan Beekeepers Association (MBA) and their 2020 ‘Beekeeper of the Year.’ Chuck was awarded ‘Beekeeper of the Year 2020’ by the Michiana Beekeepers Association located in Indiana.

Field Day: Honey Extraction
Honey Extraction / August 24
10 AM - 12 PM (the goal is to be done around noon)
Bring your capped honey frame(s) to extract, experience extracting other beekeepers’ honey frames, or simply watch the process. There will be 4-5 extractors on site. Don’t forget to bring enough containers with lids to take your honey home. Bees will be flying around so you may want to bring protective gear.
Free - No registration needed. Just show up to spin or watch all the sticky fun!!
Location: Don Lam Bees, address and map link at left (or above on mobile devices).

Meeting: August 8
Topic: Honey Bee Queen Events
Presenter: Ana Heck - Apiculture Extension Educator, MSU Extension
Ana began working with honeybees after college while working with a nonprofit organization in Nicaragua. When she returned home to Minnesota, she worked with the University of Minnesota Bee Squad while and after pursuing a graduate degree in public policy. Ana moved to Michigan in 2019 to work with Michigan
State University's Department of Entomology, and she began her position with Michigan State University Extension in 2020. Her role engages beekeepers, growers, pesticide applicators, and home gardeners to improve pollinator health. Ana holds a master’s degree in public policy and a graduate minor in entomology from the University of Minnesota.

Field Day: Varroa Mite Detection
Varroa Mite Control for Healthy Bees
The Field Day will start with a presentation created by MSU Extension office followed by hands-on options to test for mites and simulate treatment options.
If you have already attended a HABA conducted varroa mite check field day, please do not register. Space is limited and we need to reach as many new beekeepers and future beekeepers as possible.
Registration Required - $10 fee payable on day of event. Includes Varroa mite testing kit.
Location: Don Lam Bees, address and map at left.

Meeting: July 11
Topic: Integrated Pest Management
Presenter: Don Lam
Don and Jean Lam have been keeping bees for 25+ years. They provide pollination services, produce honey, and frequently host field trips to their apiaries. Don teaches local and state beekeeping classes and gives presentations to community groups. Don is a founding member of HABA. donlambees.com - Holland, MI

Field Day: 2nd of 2 Queen Rearing
Queen Rearing and Colony Increase Workshop - 2nd of 2 parts
Shaana Way, Instructor
June 15 part 2 - See June 8 Part 1 for details and sign-up.
This is a 2-part series on June 8 & 15. Attendance at both is expected.
- 12-12:30- Recap June 8
- 12:30- ?? Inspect hives for queen cells and make splits
- Demo on marking queens
- BYO Lunch
- Q&A / possible option to purchase the new colonies and/or mated queens

Meeting: June 13
“Peak Season Prep”
Increasing using nucs, honey, and mite management heading into our summer flow.
Presenter: Shaana Way
Owner of “Honey Joy Farm ~ Art of the Apiary” West Michigan Raw Honey, Queen Bees, and More.
Shaana and her partner Andy are makers of many things. They produce queens, honey, maple syrup, wood-turned bowls, custom metalwork, and more on their farm.
They also offer services to their community like farm help, bee removals, and landscaping. Some call them a Jack and Jill of all trades, and like to stay busy sharpening various skills and helping their neighbors and community.
Shaana has done two volunteer beekeeping education assignments abroad: in the Dominican Republic in 2018 and Jamaica in 2022.
Since they are presently artisan-level producers of these items they offer goods almost exclusively at artist and farm markets.

Field Day: 1st of 2 Queen Rearing
Queen Rearing and Colony Increase Workshop - 1st of 2 parts
Shaana Way, Instructor
Part 1 Date: June 8, 10-2pm
- 10-11:30 -Classroom (cover 3-4 methods of generating queens for increase)
- 11:30-noon -BYO Lunch
- noon-2PM - hands on in the hives (target 3 strong hives)
Part 2 Date: June 15, 10-2pm
- 10-10:30- Recap June 8
- 10:30- ?? Inspect hives for queen cells and make splits.
- Demo on marking queens
- BYO Lunch
- Q&A / possible option to purchase the new colonies and/or mated queens
Limited to 20 participants for this 2 part Field Event. Attendance both dates is expected.
Cost: $40 per participant plus Eventbrite fees, includes BOTH dates.

Meeting: May 9
Bee Behavior - Communication & Swarming
Presenter: Andrew ‘Andy’ Connor
Andy will identifying early signs of swarming behavior, why bees swarm, ways to prevent swarming, when these steps should be taken and what to do if you think it’s too late to stop swarming.
Andrew Connor grew up as the son of an entomologist. He shied away from beekeeping, but after 36 years he finally dove into beekeeping. After going to a Holland Bee School, he realized how much fun and addicting beekeeping could be. As a social worker he knew the importance of having something to manage the mental health and how beekeeping could not only benefit the environment but also help your health. Andrew brings years of being a social worker to his love of beekeeping. He enjoys talking, educating, and doing anything with beekeeping. He wants to especially thank the Holland Bee Club and Don Lam for finally opening is eyes to this addictive industry.

Field Day: April 25
Demo Times: 10 AM - 12 PM - 2 PM - 4 PM
Location: Don Lam Bees, 882 West 26th Street, Holland, MI 49423
Choose a time to experience firsthand how it’s done. Protective gear should be worn! You will be able to get up-close and personal to observe or actually participate in the process. In-person observation is the best way to learn. HABA board members will be there to greet you and conduct demos.

Meeting: April 11
Trees as Pollinators?!? All About Pollinator Habitat
Presenter: Mike Conner
Mike has been an ISA Certified Arborist since 1998. Being an Arborist and a nursery grower, as well as a beekeeper for more than 50 years has provided him with a unique understanding of trees, plants, and bees. Mike Connor owns Honeytree Nursery and is an experienced Beekeeper. He grew up on an orchard and Christmas tree farm in Southwestern Michigan acquiring his first bees when he was just 12 years old. Mike understands the relationships between plants, trees, and bees. Including a 7-year commitment as a municipal arborist and park superintendent, Mike has spent his entire career growing and caring for plants, trees, and bees. He is a co-founder of the Grand Rapids Area Bee Club. Mike attended Cornerstone University and Michigan State University.
Did you order trees through MBA?? Were you notified by email from HABA with instructions? If so, orders will be ready for pick-up before the meeting. If not, you will be notified by the club you are assigned to with instructions.
4:30-6:30 pm - Tree pick-up for those notified by HABA with instructions
6:30-6:45 pm - Open Forum Q&A. Come with photos or videos & questions!
6:45-7:00 pm - Opening Remarks - HABA President
7:00-8:30 pm - Presentation and Q&A
8:30-8:45 pm - Closing Remarks / Stick around for conversation.

Tree pick-up IF you were notified by HABA! April 11
This tree pick-up is only for those notified by HABA that your order is scheduled to be delivered to Holland.
Did you order trees through MBA?? Were you notified by email from HABA with instructions?
If so, orders will be ready for pick-up before the meeting. Otherwise, you will be notified by the club you are assigned to with instructions.
4:30-6:30 pm - Tree pick-up for those notified by HABA with instructions
Tonight’s Meeting Presenter Mike Conner is the arborist who provided the trees for this fundraiser. He knows his stuff!

MBA/MSU Extension Spring Conference
Attend Michigan Beekeepers Association & MSU Extension Spring Conference
March 1, 2024 - March 2, 2024
219 S Harrison Rd, East Lansing, MI 48824
Registration will be available through Michigan Beekeepers’ Association's website.
All dates, times, presenters, and topics are subject to change and cancelation.
Location of conference:
Kellogg Hotel & Conference Center
S Harrison Rd, East Lansing, MI 48824

Bee School 2024
We are nearly full. If and when this occurs, a waitlist will be created.
Register HERE
- - - Be sure to scroll down on the Eventbrite registration to see *optional* boxed lunches to add to your order.
You are free to bring your own lunch or skip out for fast food.
March: No monthly meeting so you can to attend the MBA Michigan BeeKeepers Association Spring Conference.

Meeting: Jan 11
What We Can Learn From Each Other
Mentee Discussion Panel, Annual Meeting and Board Elections
“Beekeeping is a fascinating and rewarding craft that requires dedication and discipline to advance successfully. Fortunately, within the beekeeping community, there is a culture of sharing knowledge and experience, which has been a guiding force for many beekeepers…” [Bee Kind Honeybees - Revelstoke, British Columbia, Canada]
A few of the HABA mentors and mentees will be with us to share what they learned throughout their 2023 beekeeping experiences working with each other. Board member Rich Dykstra will interview them on lessons learned.

December: No Meeting
No meeting this month.
Our bee club needs YOU to serve on our board. Your input is valuable. Monthly meetings are virtual. Elections are in January.
Bee School registration begins this month. Consider volunteering to help, your registration will be free! There are some tasks beforehand and others are day-of only.

Meeting: Nov 9
“Making your hobby financially sustainable while supporting bee conservation.”
Presenters: Audrey Heckwolf and Marge Kesler, Beekeepers and owners of BestBees
Ever wonder how you can make money as a hobbyist beekeeper? BestBees will cover what you need to know to create and sell products from your hives. They will cover the creative process as well as marketing, merchandising, and pricing.
Marge Kesler and Audrey Heckwolf have been beekeeping for four years and in 2020 decided to develop their hobby into something really special. Bestbees began creating products from their hives and made their hobby financially sustainable while giving back to support bee education and conservation.
Both Marge and Audrey are on the Grand Rapids Area Beekeeper’s Board as well as members and content creators for the MBA Bee Curious Program actively supporting children’s education about the importance of bees. Audrey is also a professor at Grand Rapids Community College’s Secchia Institute for Culinary Education.
HABA does not meet in December.

Meeting: Oct 12
“The What and How of Mini-Nucs”
Steve Tilmann
Steve started keeping bees over a quarter century ago (yikes!). When he first started, he read the Hive and the Honey Bee (a 500+ page tome) from cover to cover. At one time, he produced nearly a ton of honey in one year; but has since cut back to around 6 hives.
From 2010 thru 2016 Steve served as Treasurer for the Michigan Beekeepers’ Association (MBA). During his tenure on the MBA Board, he also helped to organize the spring and fall conferences as well as the MBA’s web site. During that time he also served as Treasurer (for one year) for the Heartland Apicultural Society.
Steve is the producer, chief cook and bottle washer for his YouTube channel “In the Beekeeper’s Workshop”, a video series devoted to making your own equipment with over 1.5 million views.
He resides in Eaton County with his wife, Adrian, the beagles and around a couple hundred thousand bees.

Meeting: Sept 14
“Windbreaks & Winterization”
Chuck Bauer
This presentation covers everything to successfully keep your bees alive and healthy into next spring. Chuck has had tremendous success in overwintering his colonies. Learn from an expert what he does to keep his bees alive.
Chuck is in his 15th year as a beekeeper. He intended to have two “hobby” beehives; he now has 25. He says it’s still a hobby that keeps him out of trouble. He prides himself in successfully overwintering his colonies.
Chuck is a past board member of our club and our 2017 ‘Beekeeper of the Year.’
and a member of five different bee clubs. He does “bee presentations” at all five clubs plus other clubs.
He is past president of the Grand Rapids Area Bee Club and a past board member of the Michigan Beekeepers Association and their 2020 ‘Beekeeper of the Year.’ Chuck was awarded ‘Beekeeper of the Year 2020’ by the Michiana Beekeepers Association (Indiana).

Field Day: August 26, Honey Extraction Demo
Field Day: Honey Extraction Demo
Time and details to be determined. FREE, no registration.
Bring your frames of honey and use the HABA club extractor to extract your honey. Bring something to take you honey home in.

Meeting: August 10
Anticipatory Beekeeping & Intro to BeeMD
Dr. Dewey M Caron - Author/ Educator
"Anticipatory Beekeeping" and "BEE MD"
Anticipatory Beekeeping: The learning curve to success in beekeeping can be huge. Initially we tend to react to what is happening but as we gain experience, we find anticipating what the bees are going to do helps ensure we are 'in charge' vs the bees managing us. What do we need anticipate now in August (many consider it the beginning for the new year of bee care)? - queen replacement, splitting colonies, mite population growth, food needs of the winter, or ..(add here your favorite!). A look at the beginning of our annual bee season with emphasis on the major issues where anticipation, versus reaction, might ensure success (however we might define success).
Bee MD: Ever wonder where to go to get an answer for something you see in a beehive? Well Bee MD might be a good resource. I have spent the last year revising the Pollinator Protection website BeeMD and we have moved it to a USDA, APHIS, Information and Technology server. We will look at this resource and maybe even answer a question or two you have about your bees.
Biography: Dr Dewey M. Caron is Emeritus Professor of Entomology & Wildlife Ecology, University of Delaware, & Affiliate Professor, Dept. Horticulture, Oregon State University. He enjoyed professional appointments at Cornell University (1968-70), University of Maryland (1970-81) and University of Delaware (1981-2009), serving as entomology chair at the last two. He spent a sabbatical year at the USDA Tucson laboratory (1977-78) and two Fulbright awards for projects in Panama and Bolivia with Africanized bees. He retired from the University of Delaware in 2009 and moved to Portland, OR to be closer to grandkids.
In retirement he remains active in bee education, writing for newsletters, giving Bee Short Courses, assisting in several Master beekeeper programs, and giving presentations to local, state and regional bee clubs. He is the author of Honey Bee Biology & Beekeeping, main textbook used in University and bee association courses. His 10th and newest bee book is The Complete Bee Handbook published by Rockridge Press in 2020. He is the major author of several Honey Bee Health Coalition publications including Tools for Varroa Management and is finishing a USDA APHIS Bee MD web program.

Field Day: July 15
Varroa Mite Control for Healthy Bees
10 am - 12 pm
The Field Day will start with a presentation created by MSU Extension office followed by hands-on options to test for mites and simulate treatment options.
If you have already attended a previous HABA varroa mite check field day, please do not complete this registration. Space is limited and we need to reach as many beekeepers and future beekeepers as possible.

Meeting: July 13
“Evaluating Honeybee Brood Frames”
Ana Heck, MSU Apiculture Extension Educator
Learn to distinguish between healthy and sick brood and to recognize signs of European Foulbrood, American Foulbrood, chalkbrood, and varroa parasitic mite brood syndrome.
Ana Heck is Michigan State University’s Apiculture Extension Educator. She began working with honeybees in Nicaragua, and then she worked with the University of Minnesota Bee Squad and Michigan State University, Department of Entomology before joining Extension. Her role engages beekeepers, growers, pesticide applicators, and home gardeners to improve the health of pollinators. Ana holds a master’s degree in public policy and a graduate minor in Entomology from the University of Minnesota.

Field Day: June 17, 2nd of 2
Queen Rearing and Colony Increase Workshop - 2nd of 2 parts
Shaana Way, Instructor
June 17 part 2
See June 10 Part 1 for details and sign-up.
This is a 2-part series on June 10 & 17. Attendance at both is expected.
10-10:30- Recap June 10
10:30- ?? Inspect hives for queen cells and make splits
Demo on marking queens
BYO Lunch
Q&A / possible option to purchase the new colonies and/or mated queens